Products and services

  • Hybrid automation projects

    Many IT projects involve datacollection on remote places or from non-PC machinery. With over 10 years of experience in such projects, we have become experts in in-field datacollection and datacollection from serial devices. One dimensional or two-dimensional barcodes, RF communication with handheld computers or the use of RF-tags : we've done it all.
    Although we usually work with Psion/Teklogix handheld computers, we are able to offfer our clients a broad range of industrial mobile computers.

  • Asset tracking : we are value added reseller of the belgian market leader in inventory/asset tracking 'IMMO Gestion'

  • Mobile Weighing : combining handheld or vehicle mounted computer devices (i.e. Psion Workabout) with mobile weighing indicators and process the data on a desktop or intranet/extranet solution.

  • Commercial or industrial enquiries : take a handheld computer (i.e. Psion Series 5Mx or Workabout) in the field to question clients, prospects, patients and collect all their responses in a central database.

  • General IT and Intranet/Internet consultancy. Along with the creation of a number of websites for our clients, we have been involved in many intranet and internet projects in different consultant roles covering all aspects of these projects, from conceptual to database design and from development to deployment.

  • Training : we can provide any specific training in many diverse IT topics, such as Internet/intranet strategy and philosophy, database design, automation analysis,...

Products and services  | References | Contact

To contact us:

Phone: + 32 (0) 16 53 05 24
Fax: + 32 (0) 16 53 05 24